Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

From Garnette Arledge:

Here's a NY Times movie review for an important film. So important to me that I signed up to review the review at the on-line NY Times Forum. My first ever step-out into the erudite world of the Times.

Here's what I wrote:
Butterfly Effect Butterflies are more than metaphors to those of us who have first hand experience with the Hospice philosophy of patient-centered compassion. As a Hospice Chaplain, I provided staff, volunteers and families with this amazing book so we could remember, confronted with dying, inside that cocoon is vast consciousness. We can communicate, even non-verbally, through our presence, care and attention even to an eyelid flickering and pressure from a dry hand.

Highly recommend this brilliant and life-affirming movie which was first mentioned to me by AAUW member Denise Springer. The movie is in French with subtitles.

MOVIES | November 30, 2007
Movie Review | 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly': Body Unwilling, a Mind Takes Flight
With “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly,” Julian Schnabel demonstrates his own imaginative freedom in every frame and sequence.

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