Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Chicken in Every Pot: Bring a truckload of chicken to Ulster County

Tyson Foods will deliver a truckload of chicken -- that's enough for 140,000 meals -- for every thousand people who pledge to donate, volunteer, or spread the word. Austin Texas and Indiana have already done it. Surely we can, too.

Donate, volunteer, or share the information on your blog or website.

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1 comment:

@ScottyHendo said...

Thank you for helping us spread the word!

Today is a big day - we're making our big push to reach 3,000 pledges. This will help us fill two more trucks. We can't decide where to send them until they're loaded.

Can you help us by:
- signing The Pledge at
- use Facebook, Twitter, and email to ask others to join you

Thanks again. Let's fill the trucks today!

Scott Henderson
Campaign Manager
Pledge to End Hunger