Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Want to Attend the Inauguration?

From GovGab -- the US Government Blog (and a great addition to your RSS reader)

presidential_transition_and_inauguration: "There's no hotter ticket in town than one for Obama's inauguration. To get a ticket you have to contact your Senator or Representative of the 111th Congress. Realize though the 110th Congress will be in session until early January, so if your current Representative or Senator is leaving office after this current term, you will have to contact your newly-elected member. Tickets will be handed out the week before inauguration and have to be picked up in person. Tickets are free, so beware, anyone who claims to have tickets for sale is probably trying to scam you."

So, raise your hand -- I mean, call Congressman Hinchey for a ticket. Hmm... what about tickets to the ball?

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